The A1015 transistor is a high voltage and high current PNP transistor. A transistor can normally be used as a switch or amplifier, but this transistor is commonly is used only for audio frequency amplifier application since it has a very high dc current gain value of 120-700. It can switch on or off the loads with voltages upto 50V. When transistor is fully biased which you can do with base emitter voltage of about 1.1V, it can carry a collector current upto 150mA. It can be used in Darlington Pair, audio Amplification, driver stage amplification etc.
- PNP Transistor
- DC Current Gain (hFE): 70-700
- Continuous Collector current: 150mA
- Base- Emitter Voltage: 1.1V
- Collector-Emitter Voltage: 50V
- Collector-Base Voltage: 60V
- Available in To-92 Package
- Switching
- Driver stage amplifier action
- AF amplifier
- Can be used Darlington pair
- Used in making led flasher
Package Contents:
- 1 x A1015 Bipolar Transistor PNP General Purpose Transistor
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